Celluerase: Erase the Cellulite

Jul 5, 2024

Cellulite, the dimpled skin often found on hips, thighs, and buttocks, is described as having an 'orange peel' or 'cottage cheese' appearance. It's more common in women due to fat distribution differences and affects 85-98% of women. Causes include sex, age, race, hormones, genetics, lifestyle, diet, exercise, and stress. While normal, some find cellulite undesirable.

Areas That Can Be Treated

  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Breasts
  • Upper arms

How Does Celluerase Work?

Celluerase is a minimally invasive procedure using a special micro blade to separate fibrous connective tissue bands, allowing the skin to spring back for a smoother appearance.

Treatment Process

  1. CelluErase Procedure:
    • A micro blade separates fibrous bands.
    • The skin springs back, creating a smoother look.

  2. Mesotherapy Application:
    • StrikeCell is applied to improve microcirculation and reduce cellulite.
    • Contains caffeine, carnitine, EDTA, equisetum, and artichoke for reducing fat and firming the skin.

  3. Follow-up Treatments:
    • Weekly mesotherapy sessions post-CelluErase for best results.

Safety and Pain

  • The procedure is superficial, with a low risk of damage to vessels or nerves.
  • A micro blade, similar to a hypodermic needle, is used.
  • Local anaesthetic minimises pain.
  • Thin skin may tear, leading to poor healing or scarring.

Side Effects

  • Redness, warmth, tenderness, and swelling are common for a few days.
  • Altered sensation may occur and usually settles in days or weeks.
  • Tiny scars may form, with a risk of hypertrophic or keloid scars for some.
  • Inform your practitioner if you tend to scar easily.

Post-Treatment Expectations

  • Bruising:
    • Inevitable and can be extensive, dark in colour, and tender.
    • Bruising may spread beyond the treated area.
  • Bleeding:
    • Some bleeding occurs; a dressing is applied for 24 hours.
  • Results:
    • The procedure is effective but results can vary.
    • Repeat treatments may be needed.