Jul 6, 2023

As women a lot of the time we wonder am I enough? Do I look good in this outfit? Is my skin looking clear? It is important that we change the narrative from a questioning stance to an uplifting one and remind ourselves I AM ENOUGH! As a mother, daughter, sister, wife, and women I challenge myself daily with new tasks that further my understanding of my capabilities. Whether it be learning new skills, expanding my knowledge of my profession, or making sure I tell myself one thing I am grateful for each day. It is important to me that I choose to wake up with an uplifting energy to start my day and to remind myself that even when my day doesn’t go to plan that I am ENOUGH. It is okay to have a bad day, week, or month, we are all human and we are not perfect.

I want to thank the remarkable women that I have in my life that have been on this journey with me. I also want to celebrate the incredible ladies that we have at our Skin Solutions practice. Thank you for all that you do to in helping the Skin Solutions practice get to where it is today, as well as for positively influencing me, for flourishing with Skin Solutions and helping our patients feel #comfortableinyourownskin.

Morpheus 8 treatment
Morpheus8 has to be one of my favourite treatments to do on my patients at the Skin Solutions practice. It is so versatile and so effective. It is a world-renowned treatment that is used by many high-profile people, such as Kim Kardashian.

The Morpheus8 procedure is a fractional skin treatment that combines medical-grade radiofrequency and micro needling to stimulate collagen production of underlying layers of the dermis. It targets the deeper layers of the skin, tissues of the face and body for a more radiant youthful appearance. Morpheus8 is a non-surgical treatment that tightens the skin and helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

Common areas that I treat in our Skin Solutions practice include the face, neck and stomach area. Areas of the face and body that exhibit wrinkles, discoloration or acne scarring are suitable for the Morpheus8 treatment. Morpheus8 can be used help acne scars as well as cystic acne.

The Morpheus8 treatment is done by using a topical numbing cream that is applied to the area in which the procedure will be done. The topical numbing cream helps prevent any discomfort the patient may feel. The Morpheus8 procedure is minimally invasive and performed using the micro needling, radiofrequency device that delivers the radio frequency energy through micro-pins. The micro-pins vary in depth in order to achieve the desired outcome. If you would like to find out more about this treatment please contact us at Skin Solutions.